Si una simpla:
Agile methods consist of individual elements called practices. Which of these is NOT a practice followed in XP?
(A) Using version control for code management
(B) Setting coding standards for the team to follow
(C) Test first development in coding
(D) Weekly code integration
(B) Setting coding standards for the team to follow
(C) Test first development in coding
(D) Weekly code integration
E bine de citit
"Version control" este parte din "Continuous integration", deci reaspunsul corect nu este (A). "Coding standard" este evident o practica XP, deci cade si (B). (C) este de fapt "Test driven development". Deci (D) este raspunsul cautat, raspuns evident deoarece integrarea codului are loc frecvent. Ma intreb oare ce s-ar intampla daca s-ar face saptamanal ... Prin urmare cuvantul "weekly" ne indica raspunsul.
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